Sunday, January 12, 2014

Of Apartments, dryer washer machines and lace veils

                        Well it is nice to have a few days off. Although I did not do anything to exciting today. Next week I am going to go to Seoul on the subway and go and see the sites. Hopefully I will find a Daiso so I can start getting inexpensive dishes and baskets for my apartment. I need organization!
       I can not afford them at the local mall actually I did not really see very many dishes at La festa. I especially could not afford them at the Lotte department store (I mean it is a department store so what was I expecting?) Even though there was a supposedly big sale.  I swear I almost had a panic attack in there. Everything is to shiny, like plastic wrap and I could not find the door outside, there was 8 floors, crowded and I was getting claustrophobic. Why would people willingly go through that? I think I might prefer the thumb screws. Although I still need to clean the blood off them from the last time I used them on someone...nevermind that.
             Other then that happening yesterday I had a pretty good day, both yesterday and today.

And this is me and my apartment. ... See I'm smiling....on the inside.   Ohhhh... you have to see the floor now.
 It kindof looks exactly like any other kind of wood floor. Although the washer is really cool... oh look my clothes are done. Oh dear now I have to fold them.  It is really cool because it both washes and drys the clothes. That is so wierd. What might be even wierder that it never occurred to me that you could do that.

And there is my window, which overlooks the city or it would be you can not actually see through the window.
Anyway I have been busy uploading my novels into create space, that and paying bills. So nothing exciting happened today, other than I realized that when I went to Mass I was one of the only three females out of maybe over a hundred not wearing a lace veil. I am very improper, so  I bought one in the church basement gift store. I mean where else do you even get one of those these days. 
So if you are going to Korea and you are Catholic be aware, woman where those lace veils here.

See... I feel like Little House in the Praire!
 Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever... Why am I so ridiculous....maybe it's contagious. I know stupidity can get contagious, so how about absurdities.
 I am signing off before this gets any stranger.


  1. Your apt is so cute. Love the poppies on the wall.
    A washer and dryer in one, how ingenious. What do they call it a washyer? Ha ha. Now they need one that folds the clothes too!
    The veil is lovely... and you look beautiful with it on! I have not worn a veil to church since probably grade school.
    Glad to hear you made it safely to Korea... can't wait to hear all of your adventures. what an amazing opportunity! <3

    1. Thanks, I do not know what they call the washer dryer thing, I would imagine though it is something in korean

  2. You look a little creepy in that veil shot--if it makes you feel any better. :P

    Glad to hear that all is going well!! I finally found your site so I shall be lurking on it. bwhahahaaaa!

  3. I am glad to hear that, but I though I looked creepy without a veil on.

    1. I suppose I can't really argue with that statement....

  4. Your apartment looks lovely. How exciting is it to have your own place? The veil is pretty too. Is it hard to get it to stay?

  5. It is pretty exciting. The veil gets stuck to my hair and I can balance books on my head, so it is easier to keep on then that. But maybe if I ran a marathon it would not stay.
