Saturday, January 11, 2014

First Post in Korea

Hello, so  I finally have my internet up and working. It is so exciting.  For those of you who are curious I have just currently just moved to South Korea for a year of teaching English.
                   So I am off the American continent for the first time and I have my own lovely apartment. Exciting right?
                 As the ancients so eloquently put it.....ehhhh....maybe?

This is one of the shops I pass everyday as I go to work.

And this was on the front of a shop that I visited. It appears that they have an entire store devoted to Totoro.  That as well as a hello kitty store.

These are photos from an 18th century Chestnut farmer in what is now currently Goyang.  It is kindof strange to see such an old fashioned looking place in the middle of a fairly normal looking neighborhood. But I found this place on my way to finding a church to go to sunday mass.
         Because I have had no internet for awhile I have about a week and a half of updates I need to make.


  1. That is so awesome looking!! So, question? Is that building made out of daub and wattle like those old English buildings are? It really looks like it. That would be quite nifty if it was.

    1. I do not really know what daub and wattle are.But probably not.

    2. It is mud and less nice things with straw I think and there are wooden beams through it as support. Once it is hard, they usually paint it.

    3. I am not sure. Maybe I can find a few more signs there in English that could tel me.

  2. Wow, it looks amazing! I wish that I could be there with you.

  3. Replies
    1. Perhaps I can if I am not in Oxford this summer. That would be great!
