Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I have to much to do

  Well right now I got my visa number and I am waiting for the Korean Consul to contact me back about getting an E2 visa. This is just a little stressful.  Oh well.... I guess I will manage somehow. Also I was invited to a 1800's mystery party before I leave.  Think Civil War. Now the question is where would anyone find a inexpensive civil war costume? hehehehehe.....How about making one yourself?
            Think of all the limitless possibilities and then consider the fact that my sister and I are overachievers. Yep....that is right we decided to make them. Since both of us have barely any time. Fine I have time but I have so many things to do for korea.
           Although the skirt is bloody huge, I have gathered as much as I am able and it still is too large for my waist. I am not even all that skinny to begin with. No that it really matters with that much material.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Micheal's Birthday

              Today is my younger brothers birthday. Hehehehe.....  I have to help make a monkey cake for him. He really likes monkey's.
             For his birthday we do a Pasada, because we have absolutely no connection to Spain or Mexico.  But  we more or less follow the traditional Christmas idea of Mary and Joseph looking for an inn, until they finally find a place and destroy a piƱata. It is a pretty good Christmas tradition, it is a good way to commemorate the searching and the anticipation that advent is supposed to convey.  Although we do the entire party in one night and not celebrate for something like nine nights.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


         Although I may not have mentioned it earlier but I am intending to become a writer so me and my younger brother both decided to enter the National Novel Writing Month. Anyway I went through the whole painful process of writing 50,000 words in one month plus working at  a factory, and getting a job and all that entails. Actually it was fun.
           Here is a short descriptive of my work.

          Every one was dead, everyone where she lived had died, practically overnight. But that was just the beginning now she had to survive. To survive the loneliness and paranoia that she had  experienced, because of her situation and her illness .
           But that was before they appeared, before the voices in her head came out before she met people who should already have been dead. 
            From then things could only get worse. 
                     The title is "Name Your Child Quickly"
               Luke's novel was about 5000 words long, since the children's nanowrimo  works differently than the adults version, We have no picture for his yet.

              It takes place in a world where a person without a name is unprotected from goblins and faries. One such nameless child is spirited away. Her brother went to find him and made a dangerous deal with a fairy. I will post a picture of his as soon as possible

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sub Zero weather

           I was hoping on getting many errands done today, unfortunately none of our cars seem to want to start. Now my productive day will be less productive, although there are still some items of business I can handle.
            Hopefully I will receive the English translation of my diploma today.  The college I went had the diploma in Latin which is really neat, but apparently no one in Korea consul can read Latin, so I had to send for a translation.  But the snow storm is slowing down the mail.  That is slowing down my getting the visa number, which is slowing down my getting a ticket. I do not have all that much time left.
           I am really starting to hate the weather along with my inordinately bad timing for everything. Sigh... I already sound like such  whiner.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2nd to last day

              Well now I have only one more day left working at the factory. Oh boy....  12 hours of knowing that I am almost done but not quite. Talk about torture.
             Anyway I thought about talking more about the factory but I am bored of it already. Actually I have nothing really to say. Other then I got my new glasses and I really need to go to bed. Hopefully my other posts will be more interesting, once I actually have time to write, and post pictures. Well I will have something to write about to.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Factory life

           Well nothing happened that was exciting today. I spent twelve hours collecting and testing syrup samples.  It's not a bad job, but certainly it does not make for very interesting reading. 
             But I might as well tell some stories about the factory which I work since I am leaving it soon, because as I mentioned earlier there are more exciting positions out there in the factory and I have been moved around the different stations enough so that I have  a few stories.
       One time I derailed a tracko and two train cars. Okay, I was not going fast enough to derail the car but I did break the switch. Speaking of the switches they were impossible to turn sometimes. I was just not strong enough. I mean  I would literally be jumping on them(which come to think about it was probably pretty dangerous) but they would still not move. Actually the only other girl out there would be pulling it down and I would be jumping on it and it still would not move. sad right?
       Other places that I have been, white centrifugals where pretty boring but they did allow you time to think, twelve hours worth of time. Still you know what the say of too much of a good thing. It causes death by smoke inhalation.
                   Hmmm.... maybe we should find the they who said that. One should always verify the sources.
          Anyway I better get going, by the way I work at a sugar factory if anyone was curious.

Monday, December 2, 2013

            Well here I am starting another blog. I hopefully will be writing in it everyday, especially when I get over to south Korea. Anyway I do not have much time to write today since I am working one of my last 12 hour day shifts.